Our platform allows us to collect and categorize large numbers of data points on the emission reductions technologies and commitments of the country's largest fleets and their power and technology suppliers.

Major initiatives' categories we track include the path to MHD EV electrification, alternative fuels adoption, aero-body modifications, emissions tracking, and major relevant initiatives sponsored by the logistics' industry and regulators.

The platform can be CUSTOMIZED for private label use by OEM's, Fuel and other industry suppliers or trade associations to enable their clients to access an easy and consistent way to aggregate and report their progress towards emissions' reductions.

Potential sponsors might include large fleets, trade associations, shippers, regulators and industry suppliers.

As a sponsor, you will be able to

  • Sponsor or incentivize annual reports for clients or supply chain partners

  • Have client specific data pre-loaded and auto-updated for sponsored accounts

  • Arrange automated vendor verification for registering fleets

  • Sponsors can choose to add VERIFICATION SERVICE to their fleets’ reports to add an additional layer of assurance to reports

Our platform allows fleets and report sponsors to include responses for up to 13 critical climate initiative categories:


Alternative Vehicle Fuels and Lubricants

Urban Focused Congestion Solutions

Utilization of Satellite or Micro Distribution Centers

Autonomous Technology


Tractor and Trailer Modifications

Client or Third Party Data Reporting or Collection

Fleet Industry Coalitions and Initiatives or Awards

Government Sponsored Coalitions and Initiatives

Carbon Offsets, Insets, and Credits

Charging Infrastructure

Emissions, Tracking, and Reporting

ClimateRoute's platform has 40+ vendor fleet supplier categories and 300+ vendors across the 13 Initiatives:

OEM Truck, Van, and Trailer Manufacturers and Modification Providers

Alternative Fuel Providers

Telematics Providers

Charging and Infrastructure Providers

Autonomous Technology Providers

Emissions Tracking and Reporting Providers

Carbon Offset, Inset, and Credit Providers

Urban Congestion Solution Providers

Satellite Distribution Providers

Sustainable Fleet Award Sponsors

Third Party Data Reporting and Collection Providers

©2024 Last Mile Partnership